Hey ladies and Gents. Tis I, Everson Grey. Let me introduce myself and give you a basic outlook of how my mind works in the world of fashion. I am an everyday Joe who likes things such as beer, cars, women, music and sports. I am the type of guy who will wear an NFL jersey every Sunday until football season is over and them move on to a backwards hat and a Red Sox jersey for summer. Flashy? No. But I have a good eye for what I think is top notch in the world of everyday Joes. For instance, I consider myself to be a bit of a golfer. Most of my pals don't but that's another story. I go through sunglasses like underwear when it comes to finding the right pair to knock out the glare. BUT! I have finally struck gold.

These beauties are a pair of Maui Jim's Ho'okipa. Sounds nice and look fantastic. They wrap around nicely under the hat, block tons of glare and bring out the color of the grass and sky like a glimpse into heaven. Go ahead to Mauijim.com and check them out for yourself. You can customize the types of lens color as well. Note to girl gazers: They dont hide your eyes! You can still see the baby blues behind those shades.
OMG, you article is so YOU!!! Love it in I look forward to reading more MR Everson Grey;)