Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lady GaGa(damn)

I can remember a time when Madonna wanted to make some noise on the scene and decided to wear a souped up wedding dress and 'boy toy' belt buckle. People were in oooo and ahhhh. But I really need to evaluate how times have changed in the world of fashion shock value. Lady GaGa has entered freakville U.S.A. with the most odd displays of fashion carnage that have graced T.V. and print. I can't help but show this:

By now, this is old hat but I cant help to laugh until I pee a little. After I cleared the tears from my eyes I thought of a few things. I understand that it is getting harder and harder to shock American viewers and I realize that bad press is good press because it keeps you in the public eye. Upon even deeper thought, maybe shes that much of an artist to where, in her eyes, this is an extremely bold try at self expression. Then the realism kicks in. There is such a thing as over compensating for lack of something else. Now, I'm not saying shes not beautiful, because she is. I'm not saying she is talentless, because she is great. What I am saying is...When is the climax? When do we get to see a stripped down Lady GaGa? When do we see more of the real and less of the shock? Makes me wonder.

Only time will tell how far she is going to go with it. I know I'm enjoying the laughs. But I recommend a different approach for Lady GaGa. Lets see more sexy and less tart. More allure and less aloof. More of your soft side with less stuffed animals. ;)

Have something to say? Find me @lifeofgrey


  1. Have you seen the gown made of stuffed "Hello Kitty" dolls? It's really pretty. I've got to give it to her, nothing that she wears has her looking contrived. She seems confident in what she's wearing.

  2. Confidence is the key!

    You can make a trash bag look good if you have the confidence. I'll give her that.

  3. good article.
    Well there has to be a point that she reaches where she can't shock us any further right?
    thats probably when she will do a complete 180 degree turn and be completely normal. cos THAT would be shocking.
